
Happy First Anniversary, PSE!

Happy First Anniversary, PSE!

The packaging and transporting industry will be extremely satisfied to see that Packaging Services Europe Limited (also known as PSE) will be dancing to its first birthday beats tonight.

Indeed, it was a year ago that the business was first set up by business collaborators Jane Gorick and Andrew Parkinson, and business has indeed been booming since then. With specialized products that enable transport drivers’ equipment and cargo to be kept safe from bad weather conditions or other circumstances, many enterprises operating on the road will have undoubtedly benefited from the excellent services of PSE. Perhaps part of PSE’s success lies in its leaders’ very wide range of experience and knowledge in the transportation and business sector: indeed, Gorick was a former worker at LPR while Parkinson was an initial founding father of Customate Europe Limited. Through this, both individuals have been able to make the best of their life experiences to ensure that the business has done as well as possible under the circumstances of an ever-fluctuating economy. Similarly, their concerns for sustaining business costs and improving the circumstances of the natural environment are commendable and undoubtedly a reason for their popularity around transport providers and vehicles all over the European continent.

In only a year as Ms Gorick explains, the company has been able to secure itself a wide range of contractual deals with a huge number of different companies, and is hopeful that the company will continue to prosper as the year progresses. Yet it is clear that PSE’s base in Nuneaton in Northern Warwickshire is a sign that it has been able to maintain a down to earth approach and can-do attitude that has ensured their popularity among individual clients whether running large businesses or small is satisfied. Furthermore, the company’s meteoric rise in the ranks of transportation networks is a sure sign that they will prosper in the future and will continue to expand.


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