
Signatrol launches tempmate dry ice data logger

Signatrol launches tempmate dry ice data logger

Signatrol, the premier data logging experts has launched an easy-to-use cryogenic temperature data logger in the UK, developed specifically for temperatures as low as -90°C, making it ideal for use in dry ice transportation of perishable food and medical supplies.

The new tempmate-C1 device has been introduced to complement the company’s S1-PRO Single use data loggers, so providing a complete solution for cold chain logistics.

Tempmate C1 has been designed so that every component, be it the electronics or the housing, can withstand extreme temperatures from -90°C to +70°C without issue and give accurate reading of temperatures in dry ice shipments.

Tempmate-C1 will record up to 90 days from start, with programmable sample rates from one minute to 24 hours. The tempmate-C1 can be stopped and started multiple times as long as the cumulative logging period is no longer than 90 days. This means that end users can accurately log data to ensure that goods are kept at the right temperature throughout their transport journey and to minimise any wastage.

The accuracy is ±0.5°C from -30°C to +70°C and ±1.0°C from -90°C to -30°C.

The tempmate-C1 dry ice temperature data logger is supplied with the most common configuration. Free of charge information software is available if changes to the default configuration are required.

Up to six alarm points can be configured, three high and three low alarms. An alarm delay can also be specified.

Once configured, one push of the start button is required to start monitoring, and no other accessories are needed. Configurations can be saved in a file on the computer and then loaded onto multiple data loggers, making configuration quick, simple and repeatable.

Once the shipment reaches its destination, the tempmate-C1 dry ice temperature data logger is connected to the computer via USB, and PDF and CSV format reports are automatically generated.

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