
Robert Kukla Comment on Australian Wine Export Market

Robert Kukla Comment on Australian Wine Export Market

Robert Kukla GmbH Internationale Spedition is the specialist multi-modal shipping company that also operated in the tank and truck business for Western and Eastern Europe. The company has an extensive level of experience in warehouse logistics. The Managing Director of Kukla UK, Steve Wood has been looking at the supply of Australian wines.

Retailer in the UK who are looking to secure more supplies of Australian wines will receive a boost by the news that has been released that volumes are on the increase, and the UK is still the largest market for Australian wine. There is an increasing amount of interest in this market from China and the USA, and because of this it is thought that UK retailers will have to explore new supplies and partners in order to retain their supplies next year and going forward. However, there are smaller winegrowing companies in the country who are offering their stock, and consolidation is seen as one of the options that may are looking at in order to reach newer markets in the UK.

Over the course of the last 12 months, up to September 2017 there has been 225 million litres of Australian wine exported to the UK. This figure is more than has been exported to any other market. However, the increasing interest from other countries will lead to an increasing pressure on exports that could have a knock on effect on UK wine retailers. In China for example, the interest in Australian wine has increased by 42% in the 12 months to October 2017.

According to the Australian National Vintage Report 2017, the volumes they have seen are slightly up this year in comparison to 2016. The report also shows that, while exports to the UK are healthy currently, China is fast becoming Australia’s most valuable wine market. This change could lead to a potential bump in the road. The recent figures in from the Australian wine sector has seen the value of exports drop by 3%. Despite this the nation is still the biggest volume importer, taking around 28% of the country’s total exports.

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