
Shipping Sets Out £700M of Net Zero Investment Priorities

Shipping Sets Out £700M of Net Zero Investment Priorities

The UK Chamber of Shipping has outlined a roadmap for the UK shipping industry to reach net zero by 2050, with a proposed £700m investment in the upcoming Budget to help make the UK a hub for clean shipping.

Key to this plan is cooperation between the industry and government to update the 2019 Clean Maritime Plan, to guide emission reduction efforts.

The Chamber has made several recommendations to the government, highlighting areas where public investment can unlock significant private funding:

  • Continuing research and development funding through UK SHORE.
  • Providing shore power so ships can plug in at ports instead of running their engines.
  • Protecting essential ferry services from costly emission trading scheme fees until they can fully decarbonise.
  • Ensuring the UK maritime sector has the necessary skills and workforce for the future.

With the right support, the UK could become a leading hub for future fuels, creating jobs not only in port cities but across the entire shipping supply chain. Currently, the UK supplies around two million tonnes of fuel to ships annually, compared to Rotterdam’s ten million tonnes. As demand for cleaner fuels grows, the UK has a chance to play a major role in the clean maritime fuel industry.

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