
Introducing International Features, Sustainable Innovation

Introducing International Features, Sustainable Innovation

A host of exciting new features are set to attract the highest cross-sector attendance at the international showcase of recycling innovation, RWM 2015. Event organisers, i2i Events Group in partnership with the Chartered Institution of Waste Management, are introducing an array of initiatives to inspire a new generation of resource managers.

Giving organisations the best platform to drive business growth is a primary commitment for RWM, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 15-17 September. Valuable opportunities for professional development include a campaign to find the industry’s rising stars and resource managers of the future and an award for recycling innovation.

The show, supported strategically by new chairman, Barry Dennis and 22 RWM Ambassadors from heavy-weight brands including Nestlé and Unilever is introducing a dedicated area on the show floor, the RWM Launchpad. This enables start-ups with game-changing business innovations to showcase products and services to an industry audience of over 13,000 professionals. In advance of the show, entrepreneurs have another incredible opportunity to grow their business through RWM’s partners, Virgin Media Business. The ‘Pitch to Rich’ campaign enables organisations to present business ideas to a panel of judges including Richard Branson.

Key media partner, Guardian Sustainable Business and content partner, Zero Waste Scotland are valuable contributors to a packed schedule of informative workshops, keynote speeches, seminars and surgery sessions. With circular economy initiatives taking centre-stage, the line-up of influential speakers will illustrate how new ways of thinking can deliver cost-savings and improved supply chain processes.

Must see areas of the show include:

  • Circular Economy Connect Zone and Theatre: This year’s programme, chaired by environmental journalist, Maxine Perella*, features companies that have already adopted circular economy principles, helping to inspire the whole supply chain.
  • Machinery and equipment where visitors will get an immediate sense of the sheer size and breadth of the technologies available on the market. From commercial waste containers to sorting systems and heavy plant equipment, hundreds of suppliers will be exhibiting their latest developments.
  • Handling and logistics zone showcases a broad range of bespoke materials handling and logistics services and solutions to help companies build and manage world-class supply chains and improve operational, management and strategic performance.
  • Recycling and reprocessing technologies zone, bringing to life the environmental and financial benefits of An immense range of products and services will be on show to help organisations achieve zero waste to landfill.
  • Energy from waste zone, which highlights the increasing capabilities and efficiencies for recovering energy from materials including anaerobic digestion, incineration, and gasification.
  • Professional services from consulting on resource management plans to recruiting the right people to implement

Russell Bacon, Portfolio Director – Environment at i2i Events Group said: “RWM is the pivotal event for this dynamic industry and is constantly adapting and evolving to deliver current industry insights. The show has became the launch pad for product innovations worldwide and has a high level of loyalty from global visitors and exhibitors. Having received valuable feedback from attendees and industry leaders, we’re making further enhancements to the show to help propel ideas and business models into the international limelight.”

This year’s sponsors include SITA as gold sponsor of the Circular Economy Connect zone; Mitsubishi Electric as lead sponsor of the Energy from Waste Theatre; Novelis; Viridor; Stobart Biomass; TOMRA Sorting and technical partner Stadler.

For more information about Europe’s largest and best-established event for resource efficiency and waste management visit, call 00 44 203 033 2049 or email

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