
Action to Expand Availability of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles

Action to Expand Availability of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles

The National trade body, BCGA, has welcomed action to expand the availability of ultra-low emission vehicles that are powered by hydrogen on UK roads. The British Compressed Gases Association has stated that there are two separate developments that have been unveiled that will help with the significant barrier that are currently restricting their entry to the market.

The introduction of hydrogen fuelled vehicles has been hindered despite the success of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles that have been tested around the world. It is thought that the lack of refuelling opportunity is what affects the use of these vehicles in the UK. However, the BCGA may have taken a step forward in tackling this challenge. The Government announced on the 18th March that there will be a £23 million fund that will be used to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen vehicles as well as bringing out more cutting-edge technology. Prior to this announcement, the ultra-low emission energy source has been featured in a supplement as part of the Blue Book. This feature will also give a boost towards getting hydrogen vehicles on the road.

The Blue Book is a source of expert information for the storage and dispensing of fuel for vehicles. The inclusion of hydrogen powered vehicles in this publication seems to be a significant milestone for addressing the lack of infrastructure required in order to fuel this type of vehicle. The vehicles that use hydrogen to run have the potential of travelling more than 300 miles which will greatly help those who make longer journeys as well as using a fuel that will produce an ultra-low level of emissions.

Hydrogen fuelled cars have made more progress in other areas of the world including Europe, America and Japan, however it is a lack of fuelling infrastructure in the UK that is hindering our progress.

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