
Gasrec Chief Exec To Highlight Key Issues Facing Road Gas Fuel Sector At September Conference

Gasrec Chief Exec To Highlight Key Issues Facing Road Gas Fuel Sector At September Conference

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Gasrec Chief Exec To Highlight Key Issues Facing Road Gas Fuel Sector At September Conference

Rob Wood, Chief Executive Officer of Gasrec, will discuss the benefits of using liquefied biomethane as a transport fuel and the practicalities of converting transport fleet to run on the fuel at the UK Biomethane and Gas Vehicle Conference in Northampton on Tuesday 09 September.

Wood will participate in a ‘Logistics and Freight’ session where many in the audience already understand the significant cost and environmental savings that can be delivered through running their vehicles on gas. He will highlight how the market has developed in line with UK gas refuelling infrastructure growth, along with some important issues the industry still faces. His session will also explore the practicalities of converting vehicles to run on gas and biomethane and draw on the latest findings from the government’s Low Carbon Truck Trials.

Commenting in advance of the conference, Wood said:

“Over the last year we have seen strong growth in the use of road gas – and biomethane in particular – from both a logistics sector take-up and an infrastructure supply perspective. There are record numbers of new vehicle trials with growing fleet numbers driven by a logistics industry that now understands the environmental and cost benefits of gas fuel. We are also seeing government support through a range of separate initiatives and a growing public awareness of air quality issues.

“But if we are to benefit from a long-term sustainable supply of liquefied biomethane for transport in this country we need a level subsidy regime playing field. Liquefied biomethane needs to be able to compete for sources of biogas at large landfill and anaerobic digestion sites which currently encourage supply to the power or heat markets. Therefore it is important that high profile national conferences like this bring into sharp focus the critical issues that still need to be resolved for the sector to reach the ‘tipping point’ where the take-up of road gas fuel becomes unstoppable.”

Organised by ADBA (Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association) the conference brings together professionals from the AD industry, fleet operators, fuel infrastructure and logistics specialists, vehicle manufacturers, local authorities, government departments and agencies and those interested in the development of biomethane for transport.

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