
ARR Craib Transport Ltd Sponsors Takes Key Messages On Economy And Green Transport On The Roads

ARR Craib Transport Ltd Sponsors Takes Key Messages On Economy And Green Transport On The Roads


ARR Craib Transport Ltd Sponsors Takes Key Messages On Economy And Green Transport On The Roads

A north east haulage firm is taking key messages about the region’s economy and sustainable transport on the road – quite literally. ARR Craib Transport Ltd has sponsored branded trailers for the Aberdeen City & Shire Economic Future and Nestrans, allowing the groups to raise their profile with local communities and road users.

The curtain-siders, which carry key messages about the aims and objectives of each group, will be used by ARR Craib across all UK long-distance routes.The ACSEF trailer carries the strapline ‘Driving economic development in Aberdeen City & Shire’ while the Nestrans trailer focuses on the Getabout car sharing scheme.

ARR Craib chief executive officer Eddie Anderson, who is on the board of both ACSEF and Nestrans, says the company feels passionately about strengthening the region’s economy and helping to ease congestion on the roads.

“An efficient transport network helps businesses to grow and attracts investment into an area, so the aims of these two groups go hand-in-hand,” says Mr Anderson.

“Our vehicles travel the length and breadth of the UK, and we hope that the ACSEF trailer will help raise awareness of the region and the opportunities that it presents for businesses.

“More locally, we want the Getabout trailer to communicate key messages about the benefits of car sharing to both the environment and people’s own finances, and of course the benefits to everyone of having less cars on our congested roads.

“As a company, we always try to maximise our operations by taking as many different loads as we can on one route to avoid unnecessary journeys, so car sharing with two or more people travelling together on the same journey makes perfect sense.”

ARR Craib has previously won awards for its approach to developing a clean and green fleet and reducing its carbon footprint.

Colin Crosby, ACSEF chairman says, “A big thank you to ACSEF’s board member Eddie Anderson and ARR Craib for this generous offer. It’s a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of ACSEF within the City & Shire and throughout Scotland. Working together with the private sector to help raise the profile of the north east is vital for the ongoing economic success of the region.”

Nestrans Chair, Councillor Peter Argyle, adds, “We really appreciate the kind offer from ARR Craib to use this eye-catching platform to promote some of our key messages. Getabout is a major project for Nestrans with the aim of encouraging healthy and sustainable transport choices for everybody within Aberdeen City & Shire. We hope this will also raise awareness and attract new members to our CarShare initiative in the north-east.”

ARR Craib Transport Ltd provides transport and logistics services within the local, radial, UK and international transport markets.  The company operates more than 300 vehicles and 500 trailers controlled from bases and distribution hubs at Aberdeen, Cumbernauld and Eaglescliffe. It employs around 400 people.

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