
Rhenus Staff Complete Tour De France Leg Raising Money For Cancer Charity

Rhenus Staff Complete Tour De France Leg Raising Money For Cancer Charity


Rhenus Staff Complete Tour De France Leg Raising Money For Cancer Charity

Inspired by the Tour de France’s historic visit to the north of England, Rhenus employees have joined together forming a cycling team to complete a leg of the race to raise money for Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Sponsored by freight forwarding giant Rhenus, the team of nine friends completed the stage two days before the professionals, riding over 220 miles following the exact route through Yorkshire.

Bradford Rhenus employee Chris Blissitt who organised the team said: “It was extremely hard. We travelled 120 miles the first day and 100 miles on day two. At the beginning of the tour we had nine riders, but by the end of day one we had seven. One person was hospitalised after going over his handlebars and breaking his shoulder, and the other rider simply found it too gruelling. At the end of the second day we finished with just three riders but it was well worth it having raised over £1,600 and counting.”

David Williams, managing director of Rhenus UK, said: “Rhenus is proud to sponsor the team who have not only trained for months but have also worked tirelessly fundraising in the run up to the event. Chris and the team have worked incredibly hard and we look forward to supporting the team in the future.”

If you would like to support Rhenus’ Tour de France team please visit the Just Giving page:

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