
Delivery Management Company Secures Bronze in CSR Rating

Delivery Management Company Secures Bronze in CSR Rating

Whistl, the leading delivery management company in the UK has obtained the bronze medal CSR ranking from the international Ecovadis platform which evaluates companies on their environmental performance and corporate social responsibility. The online evaluation tool enables procurement professionals to compare suppliers in terms of sustainability, environment and social and ethical work and access to live improvement progress.

“The EcoVadis bronze medal supports our commitment to the continuous improvement of our social, economic and environmental practices. We are committed to be a supply partner for customers that is sound, reliable and competitive underpinned by this global supplier CSR rating,” said Nick Wells, CEO Whistl.

The EcoVadis certification takes into consideration four areas: Environment, Labour Practices, Fair Business and Sustainable Procurement. It is based on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and the ISO 26000, covering 190 spend categories and 150 countries.

The benefits of implementing sustainable procurement processes include: reducing the risk of supply chain disruption, protection of a brand’s and company’s reputation, lower costs through collaborative actions (e.g. reduction of energy consumption), facilitating access to capital and increase valuation (e.g. integration of ESG factors in investment decisions) and providing market advantage when consumers require a green and responsible supply chain.

EcoVadis has rated over 60,000 companies worldwide, including the leading delivery management company, mitigating risk for some of the world’s largest organisations, while positively impacting the environment, fostering transparency, and driving innovation.

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