
AV Dawson Held a Charity Rail Event to Celebrate Their Growth

AV Dawson Held a Charity Rail Event to Celebrate Their Growth

AV Dawson held a charity rail event in order to celebrate their growth in the Teesside region. The company hosted the rail event that took place at the AV Dawson 100 acre site and managed to raise over £6,800 that will be given to local charities. The train tour that was held at the AV Dawson site had been promoted by the Branch Line Society and was an opportunity for enthusiasts of the rail and rolling stock to visit the company’s comprehensive facilities on the site.

The train tour also allowed those in attendance to experience being shunted as the tour, that took one hour and covered the different lines at the facility. As part of the AV Dawson tour, the Automotive Steel Terminal, Teesside Riverside Intermodal Park and the Middlesbrough Goods Yard were visited by the attendees.

The event was sold out and the £6,800 raised for local charities has been put into the management of Middlesbrough and Teesside Philanthropic Foundation. The money has been put into the care of this foundation as AV Dawson is a longstanding patron. Also as a part of the event, the local Brownies group managed to raise more than £400  by selling cakes and beverages for the event.

The event was very successful and managed to raise an amazing amount of money that will be put in to local charities. AV Dawson have expressed their pride at being able to support the Branch Line Society and Reid Freight who were involved in the creation, organisation and execution of this brilliant fundraising opportunity. The money raised will make a significant difference in the local community as well as giving the visitors the experience of travelling on an interesting route. Some of the lines used on the day of the event have not been used by passenger trains, and enthusiasts were also able to experience rail loops and shunts that are used at the AV Dawson site.

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