
Third Quarter Reflects Continuing Commitment To Customers

Third Quarter Reflects Continuing Commitment To Customers


Third Quarter Reflects Continuing Commitment To Customers

The Port’s 2013 third quarter results show that more customers are choosing the Port of Dover as their preferred cross-Channel partner.

Demonstrating that the Port is a vital trade link between the UK and mainland Europe, truck volumes were up by over 17% compared to Q3 2012, resulting in a 63% market share in the cross-Channel freight market.

Car volumes were up by over 9% and coach volumes increased by 13% following a fantastic summer performance in the tourist market, resulting in a 55.5% and 65% market share respectively.

Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, said: “My warmest congratulations to our major ferry customers on securing increased market share against a backdrop of overall growing markets.  Such results reflect our joint commitment to providing brilliant customer service, and continued investment in port capacity.”


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