
Port Shows Real Commitment To Community Apprenticeships

Port Shows Real Commitment To Community Apprenticeships


Port Shows Real Commitment To Community Apprenticeships

Young people from the local community have a valuable opportunity to pick from the wealth of apprenticeships on offer at the Port of Dover.  This is the message that the Port’s Chief Executive, Tim Waggott, has given to local schools.

Mr Waggott said: “I was delighted to welcome head teachers from Dover Grammar School for Boys and Dover College this week in order to personally showcase the host of real opportunities we are offering as part of the Port’s commitment to work with all local schools in giving our young people the tools for future success.”

Dr Richard Moxham, Headteacher, Dover Grammar School for Boys, said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for local pupils to gain a wealth of knowledge and expertise in a range of disciplines from the biggest employer in our community – the Port of Dover.  I am delighted with the commitment to Dover’s young people being shown by the team at the Port.”

Apprenticeships range from electrical, mechanical, plumbing and construction through to ICT, customer service, marketing and business and administration apprenticeships, reflecting the diverse nature of the business and the skills required.

Gerry Holden, Headmaster, Dover College, said: “with the diversity of international and local pupils that we have at our school, the opportunity to learn from a major gateway which has such a global reputation for business excellence right on our doorstep is one not to be missed.”

Mr Waggott added: “The Port supports around 22,000 jobs, half of which are in Dover.  By demonstrating our commitment to delivering this broad apprenticeship programme, we aim to up-skill the community in a way that brings us closer together and which will serve the Port’s customers in the years to come through young people delivering excellent customer service in their chosen profession.”

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