
Minister Confirms DHB’s Ability To Deliver For Customers, Community And The UK

Minister Confirms DHB’s Ability To Deliver For Customers, Community And The UK

Minister Confirms DHB’s Ability To Deliver For Customers, Community And The UK

The Secretary of State for Transport has appointed three new Board Members to the Dover Harbour Board as the positive work being undertaken by Chairman George Jenkins and Chief Executive Tim Waggott in working to deliver the vision of being the best port in the world for the benefit of customers and the community gathers momentum.

With the clear and recent support of the Ports and Shipping Minister, Stephen Hammond, acknowledging both a world class operation and the developing strong relationships with the Port’s major customers, the latest appointments reinforce the emerging direction of the Dover Harbour Board and the Port of Dover, and complement the skills required to operate, maintain and develop a major international gateway handling £80 billion of trade each year.

George Jenkins, Chairman, Dover Harbour Board, said: “I am grateful to the Secretary of State and our Minister for showing complete confidence in the Board and for appointing such strong, additional Non Executive Directors who bring special skills and experience in Marine Operation, Community Partnerships and in Regeneration so we may better deliver for all our stakeholders in the years ahead.”

The three appointments will provide stability and certainty as the Port begins to work towards the new vision under its new Chief Executive.

Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, added: “Future success will require the Board to work together with its customers and community.  This is precisely the approach that we have adopted and in which the Minister is confident that, by continuing, we can deliver a key national economic asset that is an essential contributor to growth and regeneration in our community.”

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