
Kalmar Released New Video : Their Plans for Port 2060

Kalmar Released New Video : Their Plans for Port 2060

A part of Cargotec, Kalmar has released a new video that looks again at their plans for Port 2060. The new video that has been released by the company shows what they feel cargo handling will look like in 2060. Kalmar, the cargo handling solutions business feel that data will change the way cargo handling takes place by the time 2060 comes around. Developments in technology are thought to make world trade more efficient as well as sustainable in the future.

Kalmar’s video also shows that they feel cargo handling will be a service that can be personalised a great deal more in order to make it a more efficient sector. This revisited way that cargo handling will take place in the future is a part of the wider expectation that people will also live in smart cities and will also be a part of the wider global ecosystem in a way where the demand that has been created by the consumer is what moves the logistics and cargo handling sector forward.

Kalmar believes that this more personalised future will lead to situations where more specialist items will be available for purchase from a more local producer. It is also believed that the advances in the industry will lead to a reduction of the time it takes for goods to be moved around the world. Klamar also believe that terminals will be able to form a logistics network that will be able to be global interchange points for a society that is projected to become more and more on demand.

Initially the Port 2060 initiative was launched in 2011 and was intended to create a conversation about how the port industry is likely to change in the future. Kalmar began this initiative by publishing a number of different articles and blog posts as well as giving a number of conference presentations. The intention behind this initiative is to consider the future and plan in advance for any challenges that they may face. This will mean that future logistics solutions are more readily available. In this video that has been released by Kalmar the wider picture has been looked at, with consideration given to the logistics chain as a whole.

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