
Annual Consultative Meeting Boosted By Ministerial Support

Annual Consultative Meeting Boosted By Ministerial Support

Annual Consultative Meeting Boosted By Ministerial Support

The Port of Dover’s Annual Consultative Meeting, held yesterday evening, was an opportunity to highlight the important work bringing the Board, management, employees, customers and the community together over the past few months.  It was also a time to celebrate the achievements of particular members of staff in 2012.

The Port was delighted to receive a statement from Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, Stephen Hammond MP in recognising how “the Port of Dover has continued to operate as smoothly and highly efficiently as ever as an essential international gateway for our national transport infrastructure.”

Tim Waggott, Chief Operating Officer, Port of Dover, said: “The Port is committed to being the best port in the world for the benefit of its customers and its community and will continue to engage and listen to all stakeholders in driving the organisation and its partners to future success.  The Minister’s support shows us that we are all, together, heading in the right direction, which can only be of mutual benefit.”

The annual meeting was attended by a wide range of community, business, trade, interest groups and political representatives, who were all warmly welcomed to an event which reflected both the willingness on all sides to build together for the future and also enabled tough issues to be openly and honestly aired.

Mr Waggott added: “I was delighted to meet so many different members of the port and local community and to share with them the vision for a Port that is engaged with, united with, and supporting, its whole community of stakeholders.”

The meeting also provided the ideal opportunity to invite everyone with an interest in the Port to offer their ideas on how the Port can further improve its business in a way that benefits the wider community.

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