
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri's to Keep the Fares Unchanged

Venezia Terminal Passeggeri's to Keep the Fares Unchanged

Venezia Terminal Passeggeri’s board of directors has agreed to keep the fares for cruise ships support services unchanged this year. VTP has also announced that it will be a part of the SeaTrade Cruise Global 2017. This event is located in Fort Lauderdale and focuses on strengthening the relationship between the company and its stakeholders on both a local and international platform. At the SeaTrade event VTP intend on highlighting the importance of the Marittima terminal located across the Adriatic Sea. The event will also focus on promoting the safety and sustainability while maintaining the quality of its services. These all make up VTP’s assets on markets both European and world wide.

The change of the Marittima from an old industrial port used for commercial purposes into a modern port for passenger use is down to the work between VTP and the Venice Port Authority. Over the past twenty years €160 million has been invested into the regeneration of the port. €70 million of this investment has come from VTP. The Terminal is now thought of as one of the best in the world for a variety of different reasons including the quality of services provided as well as security for the comfort of the passengers and the functionality of the facilities provided. These services have quite often been designed internally and often developed through advanced projects.

VTP’s choice to keep the fares of cruise ships support services the same in 2017 has gone against the market trend and could maintain or lead to an increase in the traffic in and around the Marittima area. This will be a positive effect of the fare freeze, as there has been a decrease of passengers travelling using the Terminal due to the ban on large ships from using the Port of Venice.

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