
TUC Welcomes “Wonderful” Bombardier News

TUC Welcomes “Wonderful” Bombardier News

TUC Welcomes “Wonderful” Bombardier News

Welcoming the announcement today (Thursday) that Derby-based train manufacturer Bombardier has won the £1.6bn contract to build trains for Crossrail, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:

“This is wonderful news for Derby, the East Midlands and UK manufacturing. Workers in the city will be relieved to learn that jobs and apprenticeships at the factory have been secured for a good few years.

“It’s down in no small part to the Bombardier management and workforce who have worked hard to keep the business alive – a campaign which was strongly backed by local people and unions in the region from the very beginning.

“Ministers clearly listened to union concerns and made sure that any firms who wanted to win the contract had to show how they would put taxpayers’ money to good use and invest in jobs and the local economy.”

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