Groupe Eurotunnel SA: Results And Traffic Up In The First Half Of 2014
Revenues: a further increase to €559 million (+8%)
EBITDA progresses by 6% to €216 million.
Channel Tunnel Fixed Link Concession:
Revenues increased to €393 million (+5%)
Railway traffic:
Growth in the number of passengers on high-speed trains (+2%)
Strong increase in the number of rail freight trains (+15%)
Continuing growth in revenues (+10 %) to €127 million.
Increase in revenues by 31% to €39 million.
Jacques Gounon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Eurotunnel SA, stated:
“All areas of our business are growing. The Fixed Link achieved a record level of operating margin in a very active cross-Channel market. The new environmental constraints which will be imposed on the ferry companies from 1 January 2015 reinforce the attractiveness of the Fixed Link.”