
Benefits Of Competition Highlighted In New Report

Benefits Of Competition Highlighted In New Report

Benefits Of Competition Highlighted In New Report

Rail Freight Group (RFG) has today welcomed a new report from the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) which highlights the important role that competition continues to play in the rail freight sector.

The ORR’s Research Findings on Freight shows that 92% of those customers surveyed thought that having a choice of rail freight operators was fairly or very important to their use of rail.

The survey results also highlight that cost continues to be the top priority for customers looking to move more goods by rail, along with service quality and punctuality.

The report comes in the same week as ORR’s most recent statistical publication on rail freight which shows a quarter to quarter growth of 3.7% dominated by increased movements of bulk commodities. Intermodal traffic remained largely stable, whilst coal, construction materials and oil and petrochemicals all saw strong growth

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