
Manheim Agrees Historic Deal with Network Rail

Manheim Agrees Historic Deal with Network Rail

Manheim, a division of Cox Automotive, and the largest automotive services business in the world has announced that they have agreed a historic deal with Network Rail. The new partnership that has been agreed is a part of Manheim UK’s largest ever utility fleet remarketing contract win. The partnership will see Manheim remarket 7,000 vehicles for Network Rail over the course of three years on a sole supplier basis.

The automotive services company, Manheim, will be using their multi-award winning ‘swift’ de-fleet process. The company will then ensure that all of the vehicles are de-fleeted and presented for an MOT prior to the sale. The checks are a part of upholding the safety culture that is displayed by Network Rail with their ‘everyone home safe every day’ initiative.

The fleet of 7,000 owned vehicles that are to be de-fleeted by Manheim for Network Rail, 80% are light commercial vehicles such as car derived vans, panel vans and specialist messing units as well as 4×4 pick-ups. The remaining 20 of those 7,000 vehicles are cars.

This new agreement is great news for Manheim, who have said that they are pleased to be working with Network Rail. The partnership has formed between the company will be a rare opportunity to launch a prestigious and popular household name into the UK wholesale auction marketplace.

Manheim is the leading commercial vehicle auction company and has a wealth of expertise and experience that means they will be able to deliver an unrivalled experience for Network Rail. The Mannheim CV team is already getting to work ensuring that the market is prepared for the first sale. The response from buyers to date has been overwhelming, which is great news for when the auction takes place.

The agreement between Mannheim and Network Rail is underpinned by Manheim’s responsibility to deliver two new initiatives as a part of the Public Services Social Value Act. This legislation requires suppliers to demonstrate the value add activities they carry out for society over the course of the contract term. It is thought that Mannheim will be the first remarketing business to take on an apprentice to support contract deliver as well as undertaking carbon offset tree planting programme.

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