
Safe Loading Pass Scheme – Setting Higher Standards

Safe Loading Pass Scheme – Setting Higher Standards

A new Safe Loading Pass Scheme has been launched today by UK Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA), and is to be managed by the Freight Transport Association (FTA). The safety scheme for road fuel tankers was first established in the UK in 1989 and has now been revised by a cross-industry team comprising representatives of UKPIA, the Tank Storage Association and FTA.

Since the original scheme was established the industry has changed significantly, with the majority of oil companies now contracting out their fuel distribution to specialist hauliers, and several specialist tank storage companies now also operating fuel distribution terminals.

Sally Thornley, FTA’s Director of Standards, Audit and Accreditation, said:

“FTA is delighted at this important landmark in the development of the scheme, which will mean that standards within the sector are safeguarded and the transparency of the scheme is enhanced through the new website and database.”

The new Safe Loading Pass Scheme provides a means of controlling risks associated with loading road tankers at fuel distribution terminals. In addition, it provides a new web-based portal for the registration of inspections and a mechanism for terminals to query vehicles’ passes electronically.

It was felt that the previous scheme needed to be reviewed and updated to take account of these changes; this newly launched SLPS builds on the previous scheme and is extended to cover all participating UK fuel distribution terminals.

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