
Western Commercial to focus only on vans

Western Commercial to focus only on vans

Mercedes-Benz (MB) Trucks dealership Western Commercial is ending the service and parts franchise agreements it has with the manufacturer to concentrate solely on vans. In a letter to customers, Western said that it would stop providing MB servicing for HGVs at its four depots in Scotland by mutual agreement on 30 June.

“After a thorough review of our ongoing operations, we have made the strategic decision to focus our Western Commercial business solely on Mercedes-Benz Vans,” it said.

“Our Mercedes-Benz Van Sales, Servicing, Parts & MobiloVan Roadside Assistance operations will continue uninterrupted and we look forward to sharing our van development updates with those truck customers who also operate Mercedes-Benz Vans in due course.”

Roy Allen, market area director at Western Commercial, said it would be making no further comment, other than it was “a strategic decision” and that it was “absolutely committed to our truck customers until 30 June and it’s business as usual up to that point.”

The letter to customers came as All Truck Commercial Vehicle Repairs announced it had been appointed an authorised repairer in Scotland for MB Trucks.

“This begins an exciting journey and is a significant milestone for the Alltruck business and its staff,” the directors said in a statement. “We look forward to working with Mercedes-Benz Trucks and developing our existing systems and staff to meet the high standards of the Mercedes-Benz brand.”

A spokesman for MB Trucks UK said it was already relying on “a diverse network” in Scotland, including Ciceley Commercials, BLS Truck and Van and the inclusion at the beginning of the year of Alan Mackay Machinery as its new Unimog dealer and the addition of Alltruck was not a like-for-like replacement for Western Commercial.

“Yes, we lose Western from our network but we have plans in place,” said the spokesman. “Our network is developing all the time, including conversations with new providers.”

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