
Tructyre Joins Tyre Safety Campaign

Tructyre Joins Tyre Safety Campaign

In this year’s annual Tyre Safety Month, TyreSafe is asking Britain’s motorists What’s Stopping You? TyreSafe’s October-long Tyre Safety campaign is an opportunity for all tyre companies to join forces and raise awareness of tyre safety. 

With more than half a million trucks on Britain’s roads, our industry has a unique duty to do its bit for road safety and Tructyre is running a month-long campaign, on LinkedIN and Facebook, highlighting areas where operators can reduce risk. For the Transport Manager, or the person responsible for a safe operation of the commercial fleet, their job, as well as the mission, could rest on just 1mm of rubber. 

At Tructyre it starts with the inspection of the installed fleet of tyres, and ends with the application of life-extending, safety-enhancing services. Viewed this way, the economic benefit of inspection and maintenance and the safety benefit are not mutually exclusive – they are firmly interlinked.

The frequency of inspection is the critical factor – a regular tyre survey will identify the precise time when a life-extending service should be deployed to extend the service life of the tyre. Now and again doesn’t cut it.

An inconsistent inspection regime will consign tyres to the scrap pile, instead of facilitating a longer, safer service life, as well as reducing fleet uptime and increasing the risk of roadside failure or a compliance breach.

Tyre maintenance is not a “nice-to-have” – the risks are well established – safety and economic. Two sides of the same coin. The question is, has your operation done all it can to de-risk your fleet?

You can follow Tructyre on LinkedIN and Facebook

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