
MAHLE Develops New Aftermarket Turbochargers

MAHLE Develops New Aftermarket Turbochargers

MAHLE, the leading international development partner and automotive industry supplier has announced that they have released a new range of turbochargers. These new products will be suitable for passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles and is considered to be a perfect example of the technology that is used by the aftermarket solutions company in order to deliver top class turbochargers to the market.

These new turbochargers have been crafted in order to deliver cutting edge quality as well as a range of boosted benefits, Aftermarket profit opportunity, improved performance while also delivering lower emissions and a comprehensive offering.

In order to meet the endurance and efficiency standards that are required, MAHLE creates an extremely tough environment for testing their turbochargers, the company has managed to develop a new process that allows them to integrate their development expertise and high-level manufacturing precision. The turbochargers offer a boost in pressure control, meaning that their can deliver speeds of up to 300,000 rpm with temperatures over 1,000°C. Boost pressure is regulated in order to prevent the exhaust gas turbo charger from overcharging the engine at higher engine speeds. The boost from the newly developed turbocharger means that the aftermarket range can deliver superb engine torque even at low engine speeds.

The increased number of turbocharged vehicles that are around at the moment offers a higher sales potential in the aftermarket. The development of the turbochargers has also been flagged as a key technology in order to improve performance, and reduce fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions. The development of MAHLE’s turbochargers, and turbochargers in general are thought to be an essential component to comply with stricter emissions limits. Going forward, MAHLE is focused on the creation of more additions to this range in order to offer greater vehicle parc coverage.

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