
R T Mycock & Sons aqcuire a new Renault Truck

R T Mycock & Sons aqcuire a new Renault Truck

R T Mycock & Sons has recently acquired three Renault Trucks. The vehicles hare from the Range C and
are 8x4s and are all fitted with Bay-lynx Newman volumetric mixer bodies. R T Mycock & Sons selected
the vehicles for their performance while off road as well as all round vehicle durability and handling. The
range of Renault Trucks have been supplied to the company by JDS of Manchester who is an Approved
Dealer for Renault.
The new vehicles that have been delivered to the concrete supply business will join the company’s fleet
of mixed use vehicles, and taking their numbers up to 17. The company announced that they had chosen
the Renault Range C430 C480 and C460 because the required vehicles that could work effectively off
road. The business is usually one of the first to work on a site therefore it is important that the vehicles
they use be able to navigate and perform to a high standard while off road. The concrete supply
company has said that they were already using ten other volumetric truck as part of the fleet and the
new Renault Range C vehicles that the business has acquired are currently working better than any
other vehicle on the company’s fleet.
The company use their new Renault vehicles on a range of different projects across the country. R T
Mycock & Sons is a company that is based in Buxton in Derbyshire, and they work on a number of
projects around the country, including developments that are a far south as London. The company are
able to service all of their vehicles in their own workshop and will acquire the proper Renault parts form
JDS in order to carry out any repairs. Hopefully the purchase of these three new vehicles and the
partnership in order to have access to the parts to maintain them will lead to a successful partnership
between R T Mycock and JDS.
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