
FORS Silver Operator, Mick George, To Combat Drink

FORS Silver Operator, Mick George, To Combat Drink

Mick George Ltd, who is accredited with FORS Silver status, is working alongside Cambridgeshire police to combat drink driving.

Between mid-November and the New Year, officers from the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit (BCH RPU) will be out in force targeting those under the influence of alcohol behind the wheel.

FORS specifies that all fleet operators ensure driver fitness and health is managed. By adhering to the FORS standard the safety of drivers and the public from occupational and lifestyle-related health issues is ensured. The FORS fleet operator must ensure that driving staff meet driver licence/medical requirements and are not impaired through drink, drugs or fatigue. As part of the FORS Practitioner workshop programme there is a dedicated ‘Managing driver fitness and impairment’ workshop.

RPU Inspector, Phil Bloor, said: “Over the past 50 years the number of road casualties caused by drink driving has fallen dramatically, however we are still seeing far too many. By drinking and driving you risk your life, those of your passengers and others on the road.’’

Insp Bloor added: “I would like to make mention of Mick George Ltd who has kindly supported our campaign and placed messaging on the tailgates of some of their vehicles.”

Insp. Bloor continued: “The legal drink drive limit is 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. Some people may think they can ‘handle’ more than this and still be fine to drive; however, the truth is that any amount of alcohol will affect your driving for the worse. It creates a feeling of overconfidence, makes judging distance and speed more difficult and slows your reactions so it takes longer to stop.’’

Jon Stump, Finance Director at Mick George Ltd said: ‘’As the festive period approaches, increased attention is paid towards topics such as drink driving, however the truth remains that collectively we can all contribute to further reduce the casualties throughout the entire year.’’

Stump continued: ‘’Mick George Ltd has a large fleet in operation on a daily basis within the region, as a business we are always looking for opportunities to educate various audiences on the importance of road safety. In addition to helping Cambridgeshire police combat drink driving,  we will be working alongside local schools in the county at the end of the month as part of National Road Safety Week to provide practical and informative lessons to youngsters specifically on driver blind-spots.’’

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