
120 New Trucks for NHS Supply Chain

120 New Trucks for NHS Supply Chain

120 DAF Trucks have been delivered to NHS Supply Chain as part of a programme to replace their entire fleet. The new vehicles include 49 LF 14-tonne rigids, 50 CF 18-tonners, 16 CF 400 drawbar units, and five CF 460 FTG six by two tractors.

They are also taking delivery of 19 new Gray and Adams trailers, which includes three double deckers.

Tim Slater, CEO at NHS Supply Chain, said, “NHS Supply Chain is an essential part of everyday life for the NHS, providing over 300,000 products to 1,000 different customers. Our investment in the new vehicle fleet reinforces our commitment to deliver a great service with vastly increased safety and environmental credentials.”

The new vehicles will be introduced over the rest of 2016, across the seven UK locations of NHS Supply Chain, which is operated by DHL and managed by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).

They are working together to deliver £300million of the opportunities which were highlighted in Lord Carter’s interim report, which was entitled ‘Review of operational efficiency in NHS providers.’

Gordon Wall, head of supplier operations at the NHSBSA said, “This significant investment provides the NHS with a fleet of modern delivery vehicles with numerous environmental, safety and logistical benefits. These will have a considerable impact on continuing efforts to improve customer support and service efficiency”.

All of the new chassis are being supplied by DAF dealer Ford & Slater in Leicester, and the vehicles will all enter service on a DAF MultiSupport Compliance contract, covering vehicle servicing, tacho-calibration, MOT inspection / certification and legal inspections.

DHL will manage the everyday operation of the fleet through their Central Maintenance Control facility in Manchester.

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