
UKWA Collaborates with Evenbreak to Promote Diverse

UKWA Collaborates with Evenbreak to Promote Diverse

The United Kingdom Warehousing Association has announced that they will be working with Evenbreak, the not-for-profit social enterprise. The Associations will be working together in order to promote the value of diversity across the logistics sector. It is hoped that the collaboration will showcase the positive contribution made to businesses by employees with a disability.

Evenbreak is a social enterprise that has been formed in order to assist inclusive employers when attracting more talented disabled people. The organisation also works to help disabled jobseekers find work with employers that will value their skills and promote the business benefits that come from employing disabled people.

The not-for-profit social enterprise works to achieve their goals through the use of a specialised job board. This board looks to match disabled job seekers with employers who are looking to create a more diverse workforce. By advertising their vacancies on the Evenbreak job board, inclusive employers will be able to attract disabled candidates that they may not have found through other recruitment process. On the other hand, jobseekers will be reassured by employers placing who have placed vacancies on the site are serious about looking past disability and are focusing on the skills that are on offer.

It is great to see the UKWA promoting a positive image of disabled people in the workplace and an increase in inclusivity from more associations across different industries will only benefit both businesses and job seekers, as employers will be able unlock a new pool of talent, while disabled job seekers will find it easier to find employment. This promotion will also balance out some of the negative and inaccurate portrayals of disabled people in the workplace that have been used in the past by the media. Hopefully this collaboration will have the desired effect and lead to an increase in inclusive employers using specific channels to construct a diverse workforce.

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