
Two Employees of Activa Contracts Have Been Promoted

Two Employees of Activa Contracts Have Been Promoted

Yesterday it was announced that two employees of Activa Contracts have been awarded promotions to area manager positions. The promotions have been awarded because the individuals have managed to successfully get through the company’s training and development programme.

Peter Renson is one of the employees that has been given the position of Area Manager. Peter works in the East Midlands and East Anglia, and it is here that he will be carrying out his new management role. Matthew Higgins is the second employee that completed the development training scheme and will now fill the position of area manager in the North East of England. This role will be carried out from the company’s base in this area, which is in Ilkley.

In addition to the two new promotions that have been handed out, Ben Hunt has joined Activa Contracts’ training programme. Ben is 22, a recent graduate and started his career within the motor industry after joining on to the training and development programme in May. It is hoped that all of these new appointments will be successful for the franchised automotive company as well as being a progressive career step for Ben, Matthew and Peter.

Activa Contracts has a main base located in Milton Keynes, but is a division of Arnold Clark, which is the largest motor dealer group in Europe that is independently owned. Activa operates a fleet of more than 7,000 cars and vans and has implemented their training and development programme as part of a long held business strategy that focuses on recruitment and promotion across all of Activa’s sectors.

The company has recently launched an apprenticeship programme which will focus on attracting school leavers and will form part of the National Vocational Qualification schemes. It is thought that because of this programme, over the beginning of 2017, three employees at Activa have managed to acquire their NVQs in customer service. The company has also said that their is another member of staff that will soon receive their qualifications.

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