
There Has Been an Investment in Apprentices By Stagecoach

There Has Been an Investment in Apprentices By Stagecoach

It has been announced that there has been an investment in apprentices by Stagecoach. Twelve young people from across the North West are beginning their careers within the transport industry because of an apprenticeship scheme that is being run by the bus operator Stagecoach Merseyside and South Lancashire. The business employees more than 1,200 people and has more than 400 vehicles which serve over 42 million customers every year. Stagecoach is said to be the most sustainable bus operators in the UK and has reduced their carbon emissions by 30%.

The new apprentices for the operator are aged from 17 to 26 and are learning about a variety of different aspects of the business across the Bus operator’s depots that are located in Liverpool, Wirral, Chester and Preston.

This recruitment by Stagecoach is part of their yearly selection of apprentices. Each year the company selects up to 12 apprentices in their region, and gives them the opportunity to combine both practical and varied on the job training as well as theoretical studying. The courses offered by the transport operator includes mechanical technician, body works and electrician courses. Therefore, each apprentice will receive guidance on more day-to-day operational element as part of the apprenticeship programme which will be provided by the dedicated mentor. There real world experience of the apprenticeship will be supplemented with a course that is industry accredited and specialised. This course is based in Glasgow and will educate the apprentices on all engineering aspects including Health and Safety and highly technological diagnostics.

The engineering Director at Stagecoach Merseyside and South Lancashire, Tony Cockcroft began his career as a vehicle fitting apprentice with Wirral Borough Council. It is because of this that he is a firm supporter of apprenticeships, and it is also key the encourage these apprentices towards managerial positions in order to progress their career.

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