Go North East Partner With Personal Group PLC
Personal Group, a leading provider of employee benefits, employee related insurance products and financial services in the UK, is pleased to announce a partnership with Go North East, the region’s largest bus company to provide a new employee benefits scheme called “Save on the go.”
Established in 1913 and employing 2,100 members of staff, Go North East, is proud to serve the vibrant North East. A passenger focus survey rated them at 90% for customer satisfaction and they maintain this high standard by continually investing in their employees. They also have an enviable level of staff retention with 12 years as the average time with Go North East.
They are firm believers in the power of communication and work hard to communicate clearly with customers. In 2013 they were named as a top 50 travel brand for social media in “Top 100 Brands,” beating British Airways and lastminute.com. With such emphasis on communication, Personal Group’s offer to provide every member of staff with the opportunity of a face-to-face meeting to explain the benefits available with one of our benefits consultants really resonated with Go North East.
Face-to-face interaction aids engagement and understanding which Go North East appreciate and they know that their staff are keen to have a benefits programme in place as it came to the fore during their Employee Survey.
“Save on the go” provides staff with over 8,000 discounts and savings at well-known retailers; these can be accessed via a tailored web portal. For the members of staff who are not office based the web site is fully mobile so they can access it via a smart phone or by simply calling up. The programme also provides a personal health plan for employees and their families. The programme is very much reward based as Go North East appreciate that their drivers are on the front line when it comes to interacting with customers.
David Curry, Operations Director at Go North East said: “We know that the staff benefits programme is hugely popular so we have been reviewing it to see if it could be even better and we are pleased to launch this fantastic scheme.”