
New Recruitment Methods for Logistics Industry

New Recruitment Methods for Logistics Industry

The founder of Vidu, the online recruitment portal for the logistics industry, Nicky Jones, thinks that the recruitment methods used by some logistics companies are outdated and that the digital technology and social media is reshaping the way companies hire and the way candidates look for new jobs.

“Logistics recruitment is going through a transformation and those individuals, recruiters and employers that don’t embrace the change will be left behind,” said Nicky. “How and where companies are searching for candidates and candidates are looking for jobs is evolving fast; companies are demanding more efficiency and there’s a real sense of urgency now for Human Resources departments to adopt new technology.”

Other industries have already been through these changes and because of them they improved their methods and are now able to instantly establish a connection between hiring managers and potential candidates. One of the examples she mentions is the integration of social media and video, which offers greater visibility into the candidate’s personality, while allowing him as well to have a better insight into the company and the job role.

“Agencies and in house recruiters need to be able to deliver high calibre, prospective candidates efficiently and companies need to be showcasing themselves properly to attract these candidates,” argues Nicky.

Vidu is a platform that connects employers and candidates using video and social media. It dramatically reduces the costs involved in advertising and hiring, while giving candidates the possibility to find the job they are looking for quickly and cost effectively. Vidu enables logistics companies to attract more of the right people and it provides candidates with a creative platform to sell themselves and their experience.

“Businesses that fail to embrace change and new technology will begin to struggle to respond fast enough to meet candidate led expectations and with interactive mobile and digital platforms, ever evolving mediums of social networking and video communication, paper based methods of recruitment are going to end up being,” concludes Nicky.

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