
New Modern Recruitment Solution Developed

New Modern Recruitment Solution Developed

Vidu was founded by Nicky Jones, who felt that the traditional logistics industry recruitment process is a tired, costly and time consuming system that is outdated and in need of significant overhaul. Vidu is a new online platform that has been created to alter the way that companies operating logistics and supply chain industries recruit.

Vidu can be used to the right candidate for any role in the logistics industry or throughout the supply chain, whether the vacancy is for a driver or a CEO. Vidu makes the most of video and social media in order to connect candidates and employers. This innovative recruitment solution removes the time constraints that are involved in the traditional recruitment process and significantly reduces the costs that are involved in advertising and then hiring for a position.

Vidu’s approach benefits employer as well as potential candidates as it offers a platform to sell themselves. The online platform will help candidates to find their ideal role quickly and cost effectively. Employers have the opportunity to show off their company while seeking new recruits, and allows for more of the right kind of people to apply for the role. The opportunity to use social media and videos to provide a better understanding of the company can also lead to higher retention rates and locate the best talent. Candidates have a creative and diverse channel that can be used to sell themselves as well as locate the best suited career and employer for them.

Prior to establishing Vidu, Nicky Jones has 15 years of experience in the recruitment sector. Nicky worked recruiting senior hires for clients throughout the logistics sector on a national and international scale. Her specialist knowledge of the recruitment process in this industry has guided the initial focus of Vidu as the company launches.

This more modern, open and honest view on candidates and the recruitment process is valuable and has been missing in the more traditional recruitment process.

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