
The Gender Gap in Transport and Logistics

The Gender Gap in Transport and Logistics

There has been a debate in the UK Logistics industry for as long as anyone can remember about the lack of gender diversity. This discussion has led to the creation of a number of different schemes that have all been created with the sole intention of attracting more women to the industry. However, despite all of this hard work, it would appear that the industry is still majority male across all areas and levels.

It is thought that less than 20% of the 2.3 million people who are currently employed by the transport and logistics sector in the UK are female. In comparison, a number of other sectors such as retail and technology have women occupying a high proportion of the key roles in the industry. This stark comparison is disconcerting and it would appear that more needs to be done in order to encourage women and young girls to consider a career in the transport and logistics industry. With all the work that has already been put in, which is encouraging to see and shows a dedication to change by the industry.

Although some may say that the industry has tried to change, with no avail and that the logistics industry is simply a misogynistic no-go area for women, but this is wrong. Nicky Jones, the founder of Vidu Recruitment has seen that hard work is being put into the logistics industry to attract the top talent to the industry, with no gender barrier to finding that well of talent. While working in recruitment, Nicky has encountered individuals that have sexism, racism, ageism and many other prejudiced views ingrained as character traits. However, like elsewhere in society these thoroughly unpleasant individuals are becoming fewer and further between. In the logistics industry, a large majority of employers are openly in favour of diversity. The trick will be to keep on working, until that successful recruitment trick is found and utilised to the fullest.

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