
Driver Hire On Course For Best Ever Year

Driver Hire On Course For Best Ever Year

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Driver Hire On Course For Best Ever Year

Specialist transport and logistics recruiter, Driver Hire, is clearly benefiting from the improved economic outlook. After 26 weeks’ trading, over a quarter of its offices have already passed the half million turnover mark – and two offices have passed a million. August and September delivered a blistering  performance with average weekly turnover just short of 25% ahead of same time last year.

And, according to Driver Hire’s Chief Executive, Chris Chidley, there’s plenty more to come: “The run-up to Christmas is Driver Hire’s busiest period of the year. Hard pressed parcel delivery companies turn to us for ‘final mile deliveries’ to homes and offices during the Christmas rush. If, as predicted, Christmas 2013 proves to be the busiest yet for online sales, we’ll be one of the beneficiaries. And it’s not just delivery drivers; as the economy picks up there’s been a general all round increase in the demand for temporary transport and logistics staff.”

Alongside its core recruitment business, Driver Hire is also a leading supplier of essential Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) training. Since launching this service, it has trained over 43,000 drivers and delivered over 300,000 hours of training. With the deadline for the first round of training now less than a year away, Driver Hire is experiencing a surge in demand. In  September last year Driver Hire trained  740 drivers and delivered 91 courses; in September 2013 it  trained 2020 drivers and delivered 249 courses. That is a 173% increase in both courses and drivers.  October bookings are already well up on last year.

“These are exciting times for Driver Hire,” Chris continues. “What is doubly pleasing about our outstanding performance is that it’s not just the result of improved market conditions. Offices are winning new business on merit. If this continues, we could have the best ever trading week in the company’s history and, come April 2014, our best ever year. All of which will be a perfect way to celebrate our thirtieth year in business.”

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