
CLIT Forum Launches Driver Behaviour Training Scheme

CLIT Forum Launches Driver Behaviour Training Scheme

A driver behaviour training programme has been launched by the CILT Transport and Logistics Safety Forum.

The scheme was launched at their annual conference last week, in partnership with AA DriveTech at the AA, Basingstoke.

The title of this year’s conference was ‘Our drivers, our fleets, our responsibility: Raising Professional Driving Standards’ and focussed on raising professional driving standards and sharing best practice.

The event build on the recent launch of the Forum’s award winning video ‘Our vehicles, our safety, our responsibility: Improving road safety for vulnerable road users’. This has now been developed into a brand new free interactive training programme to go with the video.

The programme entitled ‘Managing Risk in the Supply Chain’ is now incorporated into FORS, ROSPA and other high profile training courses. Delegates attending were able to take the programme away with them.

Glen Davies FCILT spoke at the event: “It is a really powerful video, which has had thousands of hits online. Eighteen months on from the release, we asked ourselves; ‘how can we get this to reach out to a wider audience so that more organisations can benefit?’”

The decision was made to create a training scheme and push the video into an interactive environment. Davies said: “To build on the success of the video, we developed it into a training programme that would highlight the video’s key lessons and objectives.

“One thing that is vital to the short video is the moral, economic and legal messages it drives home. It was important to us that our training programme tackled these as a broad package of obligations.”

The video has been broken down into six clips, and each has been developed into a lesson plan.

Davies added: “The lesson plans have been well thought out and carefully put together. The trainer knows that these have been professionally designed and are easy to pick up and deliver. We have produced a package where a whole lot of activity can be achieved around this one resource.”

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