
Aviation Team At Blake Lapthorn Expands With New Partner Appointment

Aviation Team At Blake Lapthorn Expands With New Partner Appointment

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Aviation Team At Blake Lapthorn Expands With New Partner Appointment

Aviation specialist Mark Turnbull has been promoted to partner by law firm Blake Lapthorn.

Mark specialises in international aircraft finance, advising on the sale, purchase, leasing and financing of aircraft and related regulatory and commercial matters.

As part of the Banking and Finance practice group based in the firm’s City of London and Southampton offices, Mark advises airlines, aircraft leasing companies and financial institutions on the buying, selling, leasing and financing of commercial aircraft, corporate and private jets and helicopters and their engines and parts.

He is also experienced in advising on aircraft maintenance agreements, aviation regulatory matters, including aircraft and security registration, and commercial supply contracts within the aviation sector. Mark’s wider experience includes advising clients on general asset finance transactions, including advising on facility agreements and asset security, projects and various commercial contracts.

Mark trained with Blake Lapthorn, qualifying in 2005 and has also worked on secondment to air traffic control organisation NATS.

“Mark’s ability to develop strong client relationships and his wide-ranging experience in advising companies in the aircraft finance sector has made him a key member of the team,” says Ben Graham-Evans, who heads the Blake Lapthorn Aircraft Finance team.

“His promotion to partner reflects the contribution he has made to the expansion of our specialist practice area, as well as to the firm’s asset finance arm outside the aviation industry. The team expanded significantly last year as a result of David Daws and his team joining us and Mark’s appointment is continuing evidence of the team’s steady growth in this challenging and competitive market.”

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