
At Home Box Company Revealed That They Have Appointed Walker Logistics

At Home Box Company Revealed That They Have Appointed Walker Logistics

The At Home Box Company is a commerce-based subscription company that was first started by the TV personality Anthea Turner. The subscription business has revealed that they have appointed Walker Logistics to manage their UK supply chain. The Berkshire based logistics company will be managing the UK supply chain for The At Home Box Company.

The subscription box business model has become a fast growing section of the retail market over recent years; with businesses or subscription services offering monthly or weekly deliveries of a variety of different products, like shoes, food or clothing for example. The subscriber receives these boxes in exchange for a regular subscription fee. The At Home Box Company offers their subscribers a sample of different homeware products that have been sourced by both Anthea Turner and her business partner Sarah Jones.

The contract for Walker Logistics will go live this summer and will be run from the logistics company’s multi-user fulfilment centre which is located on the outskirt of Reading. It is thought that Walker will receive palletized loads which will hold a wide variety of products and will make up each subscription box, that is then sent out to the subscriber. In order for this business model to flourish, the subscription service must employ an efficient and reliable supply chain in order to make sure that the demands of sending regular parcels out is met. The supply chain must also be able to expand and adapt as the subscription service attracts more members.

Walker was awarded the contract by the subscription service after a competitive tender process which involved a number of the best known businesses form the third party logistics sector. Being awarded this contract illustrated Walkers reputation and the high standards of service that they provide. Hopefully the partnership will be a successful and profitable one.

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