
Apprenticeships Available with Network Rail

Apprenticeships Available with Network Rail

If you were worried that there are not enough opportunities out there for young people starting out in the world of work, then you are absolutely one hundred per cent correct about that and need to take heed of what Network Rail want to reveal.

The railway network has announced that it is currently seeking a total of 43 new potential apprentices to apply to the current award-winning apprentice agenda that it has set up, due to begin this September. Those wishing to get into the train vehicle engineering industry and anybody interested in the kind of engineering work that Network Rail implements all over the country ought to take this work scheme into consideration and look up the different things that are to be on offer to them from Network Rail.

With a limited amount of spaces on this scheme and with the amount of applications that the company receives every single year for these apprenticeships, it is essential that those fascinated by this opportunity get on board as soon as possible in order to benefit from the project, which will be taking place across the southern railway networks of the country. Through this initiative, Network Rail hope to be able to encourage the new generation of engineering forces that will be at the forefront of its future activities, which by the way include an ambitious plan to make the railways across the Western regions of the United Kingdom more environmentally friendly and more efficient with the implementation of The Greater West initiative, which will oversee lines in that area being electrified.

But the apprenticeships have received positive feedback in the past, and the three-year duration of the course seems so popular that by the end of it a total of 83 per cent of course participants actually decide to carry on working with Network Rail. This is obviously due to what the course offers and potential applicants are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibilities of what Network Rail can offer them further.

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