
APPG Report Reflects FTA’s Call For Student Loan Style Funding

APPG Report Reflects FTA’s Call For Student Loan Style Funding


APPG Report Reflects FTA’s Call For Student Loan Style Funding

“We are pleased to see FTA’s call for student style loans has been heard by Government” – is the message from the Freight Transport Association today, in response to the launch of the report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Freight Transport investigating Barriers to Youth Employment in the Freight Transport Sector.

The APPG on Freight Transport report highlights the issues and points that FTA has previously raised regarding the problem of driver shortage.  Commenting on the report, FTA has said it is happy to see that within the recommendations of the report, the Association’s call for student style loans for vocational training has been acknowledged.

Attending the launch of the report was Sally Gilson, FTA’s Skills Policy Development Manager, who pressed Rob Flello MP on the issue of vocational training loans, saying:

“To help the industry to attract HGV drivers long term there must be student style vocational training loans.  Many sectors are experiencing skills shortages and these can be linked to the lack of funding in this area.”

The APPG report states that “the existing student loans system should be extended to students who wish to undertake training courses provided by accredited organisations and the level of funding for apprenticeships to age 24.”  Lack of knowledge of the sector, issues relating to training and funding, insurance costs for young people and poor facilities are also listed in the report.

The report goes on to recommend that companies and the Government should work together to address any concerns with regard to the available facilities for those employed within the freight movement industry, in particular stop sites for road haulage staff.  This is key to attracting younger people into the industry, especially females.

Ms Gilson stated:

“The APPG report shows that there is work to be done engaging with young people.  The industry needs to work with Government to provide clear career opportunities.”

The report also showed that there were more managers and directors within the industry aged 25 and under than there were HGV drivers (only 2%), comparing this figure with aged 45 and over where 60% were HGV drivers.

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