
Transport For London To Accelerate Workforce Planning

Transport For London To Accelerate Workforce Planning

Transport For London To Accelerate Workforce Planning With Quintiq

Quintiq, a global leader in supply chain planning and optimization (SCP&O), today announced that it has been awarded a contract to implement a software solution to assist with the planning and rostering of London Underground staff.

London Underground sought an industry standard solution for workforce planning and rostering which is capable of generating schedules for London Underground operational staff based in numerous divisions and locations.

The Quintiq solution will support London Underground’s long- and medium-term planning as well as day-to-day operations, improving employee satisfaction, process sustainability and customer satisfaction.

“To be chosen by Transport for London is a major affirmation of our software’s capabilities,” said Arjen Heeres, Chief Operating Officer, Quintiq. “We drew on our extensive experience in the public transport and workforce planning sectors to develop a solution that would empower London Underground to integrate and optimize its workforce planning processes. We are pleased to partner with Transport for London to improve its organizational effectiveness.”

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