
Website Launched for the Institute of Car Fleet Management

Website Launched for the Institute of Car Fleet Management

A new website has been launched for the Institute of Car Fleet Management. This new website has been generated and released in line with the company’s new rebranding. The new website also offers a new functionality as well as a range of different features that allow members to interact with the organisation on a wide range of different issues.

As well as launching a new website, the ICFM has announced that they are dedicated to advancing their profession of car and light commercial fleet management. The organisation offer to expand in this way through a range of externally endorsed qualifications. ICFM has also announced a new fast track initiative that will help their members to gain a Fellowship status.

According to the ICFM director Peter Eldridge, the new website will supply existing members as well as prospective members all of the information that they need to know about ICFM. This includes information on how to join as well as other membership details and renewals, the calendar of training courses and access to other types of training material online. It is thought that the new format of the website will cut down on the unusual amount of information requests between members and the organisation were taking place over the telephone or through e-mail. It is thought that the new website will have all of the information new and existing members need to know in order to cut down on the amount of administration required.

The newly launched website also acts as a completely interactive tool that will contain new information about ICFM event and courses as well as industry news which can be posted on to the new website and connect on to the ICFM’s social media accounts.

The new ICFM website has been designed to use fewer tabs, be more visually attractive and contain more information as well as being smarter in order to reflect the new ICFM brand that was launched in the later stages of last year.

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