
Microlise Introduce New Driver Performance Management Module

Microlise Introduce New Driver Performance Management Module


Microlise Introduce New Driver Performance Management Module

Microlise introduce their new Driver Performance Management Smartphone and tablet application to provide real-time driving style information to drivers. The DPM app also gives them an overview of their performance – compared to their colleagues – at the end of their shift.
Microlise lead the way in the innovative presenting of driving style information, with their “A-G” energy rating style reports, used by drivers, management and trainers alike to easily understand good and bad driving performance.
As users have matured in their use of Telematics and the need for a “top down” management approach has receded (or at least changed), Microlise have evolved their telematics solution through the introduction of their Driver Performance Module.
The Microlise Driver Performance Module compliments existing report methods but allows drivers to access their own driving performance via either the DPM app on a Smartphone or tablet (including Microlise’s DriveTab) or online – be this in the traffic office of via a home PC.
The Driver Performance Module shows the driver at the end of each leg or shift, how they have driven, what infringements they have committed (for example speeding, idling, cornering, braking), where they occurred, overall mileage, MPG & emissions and how they rank compared to the other drivers in their group.
The system also tells the driver if they are improving against target and their peers (or getting worse), where infringements have occurred and how they can improve.

The Driver Performance Module can also be configured to provide real-time feedback, via the mobile device, to prompt the driver as infringements occur.
Transport Managers can use the same application to view driver league tables in groups (be these teams, depots, regions, etc.). Managers can instantly see who the best and worst drivers are, who is improving, who is getting worse and who is using the system. Managers can select drivers and examine their performance in the same detail as the driver.
Matt Hague, Product Strategy Director at Microlise commented; “The Driver Performance Module complements our existing and successful Driving style reports whilst giving drivers and managers alike the opportunity to access the data directly at the end of a trip and via a number of device options. This will elevate Microlise’s offering to another level”.
“It will make driver engagement easier and reduce management overhead in that the driver can access the information directly and managers can quickly review overall performance and target drivers from both an incentives and a coaching standpoint.
Microlise have demonstrated the Driver Performance Management solution at their recent Customer Advisory Group meetings, their annual conference in May and also at the Commercial Vehicle Show at the NEC.
Matt Hague also stated; “We have had nothing but positive feedback from everyone who has seen the beta version of the Driver Performance Module and demand is already high”.
Microlise will deliver the Driver Performance Module to the first customers this summer.

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