
Drayson & Greentomatocars Mobile Internet

Drayson & Greentomatocars Mobile Internet

Drayson Technologies has been working with greentomatocars, the largest environmentally friendly private hire service in London in order to create a mobile Internet of Things network of sensors that will help to develop a hyper-local map of the air pollution around London.

The environmentally friendly private hire service greentomatocars operate daily in London and their vehicles will be installed with a CleanSpace Tag from Drayson Technologies. This Tag is an air pollution smart sensor that will allow information to be collected while the vehicle is on its day to day travels around the city. It is thought that this will help to create a comprehensive map of the air pollution around the capital.

It took just five days for London to breach the annual limit for air pollution this year. On top of this in January this year, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan warned that London’s air toxicity is a public health emergency. This statement from the Mayor was followed days later with what was called a black alert for the air pollution levels in London. Recently City Hall have also tried to take steps to address this pollution issue by launching an ultra-low emission zone in London that will be ready from April 2019.

The values of greentomatocars revolve around being environmentally sustainable. The company have formed a partnership with Drayson in order to help address an important problem for the capital. The partnership will mean that businesses and the public are better equipped with the necessary information to understand the air pollution levels common in London. Greentomatocars had Drayson’s Tags attached to their fleet of emission free vehicles. Amongst them, the company has a number of Toyota Mirai, that have a fuel cell that uses hydrogen gas to generate the electricity needed to fuel the car with the only by product being warm water vapour.

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