
Spring Report Revealed Significant Amount Of Progress

Spring Report Revealed Significant Amount Of Progress

The Spring Report by Transport for the North has revealed that there has been a significant amount of progress made in the planning of the transport for the north of the country. The Transport for the North is a body that is responsible to creating a thorough transport investment strategy to be applied to the North of England.

The Spring 2017 Update Report is the first of its kind that has been produced as well as published by the organisation and completely independent of the Government. The update from Transport for the North has come after the news that was released earlier this month that the organisation is back in a position to gain the title of England’s first Sub-national Transport Body. It is thought that the Transport body will be awarded this status at the end of the year.

The new Spring Report has revealed details about the progress that has been made by Transport for the North over the last year and their continued effort to create what they want to call ‘a single voice for the North’. The organisation are aiming to improve the quality of life for the people in the North of the country by improving the transport services on offer. It is thought that improving the transport in the region will help with boosting the economy.

The Spring 2017 Update Report also refers to the timeline for the development of a Strategic Transport Plan for the North of England. This Plan has been mapped out in the report and will hopefully be published in more detail at some point later this year.

Transport for the North has had some important achievements over the last few years including producing Northern Powerhouse Economic Review that was released in 2016. This report has illustrated the region’s prime capabilities as well as demonstrating achievable economic potential.

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