
New Research from Asset Alliance Group Available at CVS

New Research from Asset Alliance Group Available at CVS

Asset Alliance Group has published an exclusive new research at the Commercial Vehicle Show, stating that the majority of UK fleets predict business growth this year and in the future, despite challenger such as Brexit, new environmental legislation and driver shortages.

The Asset Alliance Group Industry Monitor includes the results of a recent survey of more than 200 decision-makers, who were asked about how the current economic, political and legislative climate is affecting their bottom line, as well as their plans for the future. Out of all the respondents, 62% said they expected business performance in 2018 to be better than in 2017, while 23% said they expected it to remain the same.

Only 14% of them said they believed business performance would be slightly or significantly worse year-on-year and 1% were not sure. However, when asked about 2019, expectations cooled slightly. More than half, at 56%, predicted continued improvements in business performance, while 24.5% expected things to be the same. The number of people anticipating worse growth prospects was small again, at just 11%.

“It is easy to get caught up in negative headlines about the implications of Brexit, the political landscape and legislation changes, but the results of this survey are extremely positive which demonstrates real market confidence from the road transport sector. People are remarkably optimistic,” said Asset Alliance Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Willie Paterson. “There are challenges ahead of course, but I have always believed when times are tough there can be more opportunities and I am encouraged that decision-makers from some of the UK’s top fleets agree!”

He also added: “We believe the results of our research will surprise some, but impress all. Our hope is that the level of detail provided by our Industry Monitor will help guide businesses to make more informed decisions.”

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