
ICFM Announces Record Numbers in 2018

ICFM Announces Record Numbers in 2018

ICFM has announced record numbers in employees with fleet responsibility joining the organisation in the first two month of 2018. A total of 51 employees from different companies have signed up to undertake the ICFM training course.

“Businesses are increasingly acknowledging that there is a skills shortage in terms of the fleet management knowledge of their employees,” said ICFM sales and marketing director Peter Eldridge. “Fleet management is almost certainly more complex today than it has ever been with a wide range of new issues impacting on the operation of company cars and vans and ‘grey fleet’ vehicles.”

The Brexit, the May 25th introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation, the January 1st 2019 introduction of new international lease accounting standards, the arrival of the Clean Air Zones, are all changes that will impact on the logistics industry and it is vital that employees understand these issues and are prepared for when they are put into practice.

“Additionally, they must also have a comprehensive understanding of the core topics that comprise fleet management including finance and funding, in-life vehicle management and disposal and managing drivers,” added Peter.

The new recruits either have an end-user responsibility for company cars and vans at their employees or are employed by organisations that work in the supply side of the fleet industry and have signed up to the training provider’s Corporate Investor Programme.

The qualifications offered by ICFM are dedicated to advancing the profession of car and light commercial fleet management and are viewed as the de facto stamp of approval employees with fleet responsibility whether as full-time professional fleet managers or as part of an HR, finance or procurement role.

ICFM has more than 800 members and is approaching its 25th anniversary Annual National Members’ Conference entitled ‘Fuel for the Future, the Emissions Dilemma’. The event will take place on Tuesday, the 20th of March, at The British Motor Museum, Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire, CV35 0BJ.

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