
FTA Transport Conference Explore Direct Vision Standard

FTA Transport Conference Explore Direct Vision Standard

At the Freight Transport Association’s Transport Manager Conference, which has been sponsored by Iveco, has provided delegates with the most up to date information about the Direct Vision Standard and the best ways that companies can plan for its introduction. Safety on the road is vital for all road users all over the country, however, in the more densely compact capital, this safety is paramount. At this conference, transport managers from businesses of all sizes will have an opportunity to understand the latest information that has been released in regards to the Mayor of London’s safety proposals.

The Direct Vision Standard, or DVS, is the name to the proposal that has been put forward by the Mayor of London and will introduced for all HGV operators across the capital from 2020. The DVS will use a star rating of 0-5 in order to rate each HGV based on the level of vision in the cab. According to the latest proposals that have been announced by Transport for London on the 22nd September. Features that will help with the visibility of a HGV, and therefore the star rating, are technological solutions such as in-cab cameras and sensors around vehicles that could be recognised as a part of a ‘safe system’. Those that do not meet the 1-star rating will be mandated from 2020, which is an approach that is supported and campaigned for by the FTA.

The FTA Transport Manager Conference will take place in November at the Kia Oval in SE1. Natalie Chapman the Head of Policy for London at the FTA will be leading the sessions on city centre truck restrictions. It is thought that, at the moment, the lack of clarity in relation to which of the vehicles will be eligible to work in the capital as well as what equipment will be required by 2020 is creating a great deal of uncertainty for businesses who need to find out what vehicles and equipment can be used in the capital.

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