
FTA Publish Conditions for Smooth No Deal Brexit

FTA Publish Conditions for Smooth No Deal Brexit

This week it has made the headlines that Prime Minister Theresa May and her government have been making preparations for the possible outcome that Britain could walk away from talks with the EU without a trade deal. The Freight Transport Association and the UK logistics sector as a whole has been urging the government to proceed down this route with caution and presses for a deal that could lead to a more seamless continuation of operations after Brexit.

On Monday, there were White Papers published that covered trading and customs agreements that would be implemented if no deal could be agreed upon by the UK and the EU. The Freight Transport Association, the largest and most active membership body in the logistics sector has published their own conditions that would be required in order to keep Britain trading with Europe and other countries.

The new C.L.E.A.N conditions include Customs systems that are big enough to cope with the 255 million additional declarations that will be made as a result of Britain leaving the EU. Learning Support is the second condition, making sure that there is the correct support in place for the 185,000 UK businesses that carry out trade with the EU and will have to complete customs declarations. Equally frictionless arrangements by other EU countries when it comes to encountering EU Customs. Avoid vehicle checks at “roll on, roll off” ports due to the additional time and traffic that could be caused or made worse following Brexit. Finally, No-cliff edge, offering exporters and importers the time to learn what will need to be done after Brexit as a part of the new trading regime.

The White Paper also says little about the tariffs and customs arrangements with the Continent of Ireland, where disruption will be felt quicker.

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